Cucumis - Сервіс безкоштовного перекладу онлайн
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Всі переклади - NellyZa

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Англійська Diderot
The printed edition of Diderot's Pere de famille included the playwright's essay -...-the spirited theory of dull practice . A century later , when the naturalists began to dismantle the maechanics of the well-made play , they could do not better than Diderot in his fight against the conventionality of French classical tragedy .
θα ήθελα να βγει ένα καλό νόημα..

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Грецька Ντυντερώ
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Англійська While the Diderot essay was chiefly concerned...
While the Diderot essay was chiefly concerned with dramatic reforms,the following excerpts contain his ideas concerning the staging of domestic drama(genre serieux).
na bgainei ena kalo noima kai na metafrastei sintoma einai epigon!!!euxaristw

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Грецька Ενώ το δοκίμιο ενδιαφερόταν